Govern Suffolk

Find out how to become a school governor and put your skills into Suffolk schools.

Why become a school governor

As a governor, you can:

  • make a difference in your local community
  • develop your skills and experience
  • improve your knowledge about the education sector

Find out more about the benefits of becoming a school governor and how the local authority can help you:

What you need to know about becoming a school governor

A good governor should:

  • gain a good understanding of the school's strengths and weaknesses
  • contribute to the strategic discussions at governing body meetings
  • hold the senior leaders to account by monitoring the school's performance

Read in more detail about what governors are expected to do (PDF, 51KB).

If you have any questions about school governance, contact the Suffolk Leadership and Governance Team by emailing

Why govern in Suffolk?

Could you use your experience to benefit a local school by becoming a school governor?

Watch our school governor case studies to find out how people from around the county have put their skills into a Suffolk school.

How to become a school governor

  1. Register your interest in becoming a school governor
  2. The Leadership and Governance team at Suffolk County Council will contact you to discuss your options.
  3. Agree your first, second and third choice school.
  4. The Leadership and Governance team will then contact your first choice of school.
  5. A meeting will be arranged with the Chair of the Governing body, which will include a general discussion about the governing body, recent successes, challenges and a tour of the school.
  6. You will be given the option to sit in on a full governing body meeting.
  7. If you would like to join this governing body, you will need to provide your references and carry out the necessary checks, including DBS.
  8. Congratulations, you've become a school governor and can start putting your skills into a Suffolk school.

The list does not contain all school governor vacancies. If you are interested in a governance position at another school or in governance in general, please register your interest at the link below.

List of schools with governor vacancies